真白なつみ - 純系優等生 放課後の恥じらい 真白なつみ
またまた美少女をスリーナインが発掘してしまいました!澄んだ瞳とおしとやかな雰囲気の美少女、真白なつみチャン。都内有数の進学校を卒業して、この春某お嬢様大学に入学した才女が、引っ込み思案な性格を変えたいと、自らイメージDVD出演に応募してきてくれました。撮影当日現れたなつみチャンはだいぶ緊張している様子。ついこの前までリアルに着ていた制服をゆっくりと脱ぐと、84cmの愛されバストともっちりヒップが小さなTビキニからこぼれ落ちそうになっていました。それに気づき顔を赤らめるなつみチャン。いじわるなシチュエーションの連続に恥じらいを浮かべながらも、自らの殻をやぶりたいと挑戦する乙女の頑張りを見届けてください!Another beautiful girl has been discovered by Three Nine! Natsumi Shinashiro is a beautiful girl with clear eyes and a gentle atmosphere. She graduated from one of the best schools in Tokyo and entered a university this spring. When Natsumi showed up on the day of the shooting, she seemed to be very nervous. When she slowly took off her school uniform, which she had been wearing in real life until a few minutes ago, her beloved 84cm breasts and chubby hips were almost spilling out of her tiny T-bikini. Natsumi noticed this and blushed. Natsumi blushes as she realizes what is happening, and even though she is embarrassed by the series of teasing situations, she is determined to break out of her shell.