嶋谷みずき - 放課後の秘密 揺れる百合のあやまち 嶋谷みずき

「私の気持ち知ってて、そういうことするなんて…」みずきは、近所に住む学年一つ上の先輩に淡い恋心を抱いていた。幼い頃から一緒に手をつないで学校に通った先輩…。幼心に「女の子に恋しちゃいけない」と思っていたみずきだったが、先輩の優しいまなざしで見つめられるとその決心も揺らいでしまうのであった。一貫教育の学校だから二人は大きくなってもいつも一緒。その日、放課後の教室で一人、みずきは片思いをこじらせていると、先輩が現れふいにキスをした。「ちょっと…なにするの!?」突然のことに目を丸くし、やがて頬を赤く染めたみずきを前にして、いたずらっぽい笑顔を浮かべる先輩。「前からさ、みずきちゃんのこと妹以上の存在だと思っていたんだよね…。」その日から、誰にも言えない二人だけの秘め事が始まった…。Mizuki has been in love with a senior who lives one grade above her in the neighborhood. She has been holding hands with him since she was a little girl going to school. Mizuki had always thought that she shouldn't fall in love with a girl, but when her senior looked at her with a gentle gaze, her resolve was shaken. Because the school is an integrated education system, the two of them are always together even when they grow up. On that day, Mizuki was alone in the classroom after school, her unrequited love growing stronger, when a senior student appeared and suddenly kissed her. "Hey... what are you doing?" In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, it's possible that you'll be able to find it in the marketplace. I've always thought of you as more than a sister. From that day on, a secret affair between the two that no one could tell began...