夢の競演!美少女たちのエッチな楽園 vol.14 - 夢の競演!美少女たちのエッチな楽園 vol.14
マラソンがどこで開催されようと、そんなんどーだっていいんだよ!俺たちはただ、あの頃のギリギリスレスレの着エロが見たいだけなのさ!今の世の中、表ズラだけエロを撲殺しようとしてない!?そんなんだと、エロに飢えた男たちのコカンが暴動を起こしかねないぞ!そう、着エロが見失われつつある今こそ、あの往年の美少女たちの笑顔にまた出会おう。恥じらいながらも大胆になっていく美少女たちが、限界ギリギリのTビキニを身にまとい、ガードゆるゆるのポージングを露わにする至福の時間!社会が失った着エロの楽園をもう一度!It doesn't matter where the marathon is held, it doesn't matter! All we want is to see some of that era's scantily clad erotica! In today's world, people are trying to kill erotica only on the front page! If that's the case, the men who are hungry for erotica might start a riot! Yes, now that erotica in clothes is being lost, let's meet the smiling faces of those beautiful girls of the past again. It's a blissful time when these beautiful girls become bold and shy, wearing T-bikinis on the edge of their limits and exposing their poses with their guards loose! It's the paradise of eroticism that society has lost!