南沢もえ - 清純ラッキースター/南沢もえ
人懐っこい笑顔が魅力の美少女、南沢もえチャンがDVDデビュー!声優になるために青森県から上京したもえチャンは、メイドカフェでアルバイトをしながら養成所に通っている頑張り屋さん。引っ込み思案な性格を克服するために、グラビアDVDに出てみようと思ったんだって。つい先日まで着ていた制服はバッチリ似合っちゃう!でも、下着を脱ぐのはとっても恥ずかしそう。初めて見るちっちゃなTビキニに「これで海とか行って大丈夫なんですか?」なんて聞いてくるお茶目なもえチャン。大事なところがいろいろとこぼれちゃうから、これじゃ海には行けないよ…って、もえチャン!もうこぼれてるってばっ!天真爛漫に大胆露出を見せちゃうもえチャンをお見逃しなく!Moe Minamisawa, a beautiful girl with a friendly smile, makes her DVD debut! Moe came to Tokyo from Aomori Prefecture to become a voice actress, and she's been working part-time at a maid cafe while attending a training school. In order to overcome her reclusive personality, she decided to try out for a gravure DVD. The school uniform she wore until just the other day suits her perfectly! But she seems to be very shy to take off her underwear. When she sees the tiny T-bikini for the first time, she asks, "Is it safe to go to the beach in this?" What a mischievous girl Moe is! I can't go to the beach in this because I'll spill all my important parts. It's already spilled! Don't miss this innocent and daring exposure of Moe Chan!