藤川なぎさ - なぎさの全力大胆スマイル! /藤川なぎさ

清純派レーベル「あしたま」から、東北出身の90?バストのFカップ美少女、藤川なぎさチャンがDVDデビュー!美人の国からやってきた雪のように白い素肌の天女!くりっとした大きな瞳にキュッとあがった口角、笑うと頬にえくぼが顔を出す女の子。その存在が周囲を笑顔に包んでしまう「ほんわか女子」なぎさチャンがデビュー作にして大胆露出しちゃいました!豊満なバストと安産体形のむっちりヒップには極小ビキニがよく似合う!恥じらいながらも衣服を脱ぎ、限界ギリギリのポージングを披露!ノーブラタンクトップの破壊力は抜群!さらにはちょっぴりオトナっぽいレースクイーン姿でセクシーに挑発!?恥じらいながらも本能のままに魅せてしまうなぎさチャンから目が離せません!From the purist label "Ashitama" comes the DVD debut of Nagisa Fujikawa, a 90cm busty F-cup beauty from Tohoku! From the land of beauty comes a heavenly woman with skin as white as snow! She has big round eyes and the corners of her mouth are puckered up, and when she smiles, dimples appear on her cheeks. She's the kind of girl who makes everyone around her smile with her presence, and for her debut, she's gone bold and exposed! Her full breasts and plump hips look great in a tiny bikini! She takes off her clothes while being shy and shows off her posing at the edge of her limits! The destructive power of the no bra tank top is outstanding! She's also a bit of an adult in her race queen outfit. You can't take your eyes off Nagisa-chan, who is shy but fascinated by her instincts!
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