古川菜摘 - 清涼Teen’s diary 君の笑顔がまぶしくて 古川菜摘

流れる美しい黒髪に、口角のキュッと上がった笑顔がまぶしいティーン美女、古川菜摘チャンが「あしたま」レーベルからDVDデビュー!アイドルを目指して岩手県から上京してきた菜摘チャンが、グラビアDVDに出演することに!でも、「あしたま」は普通のグラビアじゃないんだけど…。澄んだ瞳で屈託のない笑顔を浮かべながら「ハイ!有名になるチャンスがあるなら、ワタシ頑張ります!」なんて、菜摘チャンが言うものだから、思いっきり大胆ポージングを頑張ってもらいました笑。将来、水着になるお仕事のオファーが来た時のために、永久脱毛したアンダーヘアは「あしたま」仕様のつるっつる!90cmのピーチヒップは極小ビキニからこぼれ落ちそう…。いたいけなポッチはスッケスケなのに、笑顔全開で頑張っちゃう菜摘チャンを応援してあげてください!Natsumi Furukawa, a teen beauty with beautiful flowing black hair and a dazzling smile with the corners of her mouth turned up, is making her DVD debut under the "Ashitama" label! Natsumi came to Tokyo from Iwate Prefecture to become an idol, and now she is going to appear in a gravure DVD! But "Ashitama" is no ordinary gravure... With clear eyes and a carefree smile on her face, she says, "Hi! If there's a chance to become famous, I'll do my best!" Natsumi said, so I asked her to try her best to pose boldly with all her might. Her 90cm peachy hips almost fell out of her tiny bikini. Her 90cm peachy hips look as if they are about to spill out of her tiny bikini... Please support Natsumi as she tries her best with a big smile on her face, despite the fact that her tender pussy is soaked to the skin!
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