真川ひなの - 恥じらい黒髪優等生 真川ひなの
純文学を読むのが好きな、黒髪優等生美少女、真川ひなのチャン。普段は学校や図書室で勉強ばかりしている真面目な彼女が、残り少ない学生生活の思い出にDVD出演してくれることになりました。メガネを外すと人懐っこい笑顔の美少女がそこに現れました!大きな瞳を潤ませながらゆっくりと制服を脱ぎ、恥ずかしげに両手でそっと隠すひなのチャン。初めて見るシースルーのチューブトップや極小Tビキニを着て、顔を赤らめながらも一生懸命に笑顔を浮かべる彼女の震える胸の内を感じてください。Hinano Magawa is a beautiful black-haired honor student girl who loves to read literature. She is a serious girl who usually spends her time studying in the library, but she decided to appear on a DVD as a memory of her remaining student life. When she took off her glasses, a beautiful girl with a friendly smile appeared! With big eyes moistening, Hinano slowly takes off her uniform and gently hides her body with her hands in embarrassment. Wearing a see-through tube top and a tiny g-string bikini, you can feel her trembling bosom as she blushes and tries her best to smile.